We are in Spain procuring the new product we are about to include in our portfolio. Black garlic is being recognized by top chefs all over Europe, and used in top restaurants so we have been in the European Garlic Capital, region of La Mancha, more specificaly in Las Pedroñeras in the Province of La Mancha, to find out more about this fantastic product.
We have learned quite a lot about the production of this unique item. Black garlic is obtained through a completely natural process of maturation, no preservatives or chemical additives are used, so it is 100% pure. The secret lies in the perfect control of the elements of time, temperature, and humidity.
At first glance, a whole head of black garlic is only different from the raw one as it is drier than usual, but right out of the container, we immediately perceived the unique odor, and of course, the color which gives it its name. The cloves are dark black, as if charred, but their texture, however, is soft. The flavor is sweet and pleasant with hints of licorice, candy and prune. It is also easy to digest, and does not stay on the breath like fresh garlic.
The cloves are very tender and can be directly consumed whole. Thanks to its texture, you can also spread it on toast, and it is a perfect companion to vegetables, meat and fish.
As for the health effects, is recommended for people with diabetes, hypertension and cholesterol, and has been used in traditional Asian medicine. The black garlic has an antioxidant activity 5 times greater than that of raw garlic!
Due to the exceptionally busy time of the year, orders placed after 1pm on Wednesday 18th are not guaranteed for delivery before Christmas.